By using this web site, you give your consent to the company UAB “ANEXO”, 302497493 to collect and use your personal data as defined by this Privacy and cookie Policy. UAB “ANEXO” uses the information you provide by sending us requests, including: Name, contact person. No., e-mail, Other Contact Details (all together – Personal Data) to properly manage your orders / queries.
General provisions
UAB “ANEXO” by no means sells or transmits your Personal Data to any third party without your express permission. No third party can offer you goods or services via UAB “ANEXO” electronic systems. UAB “ANEXO” Will not use your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes. If UAB “ANEXO” would use your personal data for direct marketing purposes, you should always agree with it and have an option to cancel it.
UAB “ANEXO” follows these basic principles of personal data processing:
- Personal data is collected for specified and legitimate purposes;
- Personal data shall be processed accurately and fairly;
- Personal data is processed lawfully;
- All information about processed personal data is confidential;
Managing and protecting your personal data UAB “ANEXO” implements organizational and technical measures that ensure the protection of personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, alteration, disclosure, as well as any other unlawful handling. Personal data are processed in accordance with the 2016 April 27 Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
Personal data is collected and processed for the following purposes:
- Process your queries;
- For direct marketing purposes – by getting agreement only by giving the opportunity to refuse and cancel.
- Cookies are used for this purpuse (if used): only to analize statistics. There are used “Google analytics” cookies, collecting IP address
Personal rights
By allowing to manage your personal data, you are entitled to:
- Require correction, destruction or suspension of the processing of your personal data when data is processed without complying with this and other laws;
- Disagree with the processing of his personal data;
- UAB “ANEXO”, upon receipt of your application for the processing of personal data, will provide you with a response within 30 calendar days of your request. Only requests for the processing of your personal data submitted by e-mail are considered. Mailed to;
- UAB “ANEXO” Members / Clients have the right to request the transfer or cancellation of information related to their payment history and the information they provide. Such requests will be processed within 30 days. From e-mail receipt mail by
Final Provisions
Substantial changes to this Privacy and cookie Policy are sent to members by email. UAB “ANEXO” may change this Privacy and cookie Policy without prior notice. If you have questions about our Privacy and cookie Policy, you can contact us at any time by e-mail:
The date of the last update of this document is 2019-05-14.
Naudodamiesi šia interneto svetaine Jūs duodate savo sutikimą įmonei UAB “ANEXO”, 302497493 rinkti ir naudoti Jūsų Asmens duomenis taip, kaip apibrėžiama šioje Privatumo ir slapukų naudojimo politikoje. UAB “ANEXO” naudoja informaciją, kurią pateikiate siųsdami užklausas mums, tame tarpe: vardas, telefono numeris, elektroninio pašto adresas, kitą kontaktinę informaciją (visi kartu – Asmens duomenys), siekdama tinkamai administruoti Jūsų užsakymus/užklausas.
Bendrosios nuostatos
UAB “ANEXO” jokiu būdu neparduoda ir neperduoda Jūsų Asmens duomenų jokiai trečiai šaliai be atskiro jūsų sutikimo. Jokia trečia šalis negali siūlyti Jums savo prekių ar paslaugų per UAB “ANEXO” Valdomas elektronines sistemas. UAB “ANEXO” nenaudoja Jūsų Asmens duomenų tiesioginės rinkodaros tikslais. Jei UAB “ANEXO” naudotų jūsų Asmens duomenis tiesioginės rinkodaros tikslais, Jūsų sutikimas privalo būti gautas ir suteikta galimybė atsisakyti.
UAB “ANEXO” vadovaujasi šiais pagrindiniais Asmens duomenų tvarkymo principais:
- Asmens duomenys renkami apibrėžtais ir teisėtais tikslais
- Asmens duomenys tvarkomi tiksliai ir sąžiningai
- Asmens duomenys tvarkomi teisėtai
- Visa informacija apie tvarkomus Asmens duomenis yra konfidenciali
Tvarkydama ir saugodama Jūsų Asmens duomenis UAB “ANEXO” įgyvendina organizacines ir technines priemones, kurios užtikrina Asmens duomenims apsaugą nuo atsitiktinio ar neteisėto sunaikinimo, pakeitimo, atskleidimo, taip pat nuo bet kokio kito neteisėto tvarkymo. Asmens duomenys tvarkomi vadovaujantis 2016 m. balandžio 27 d. Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos reglamentu (ES) 2016/679 dėl fizinių asmenų apsaugos tvarkant Asmens duomenis ir dėl laisvo tokių duomenų judėjimo.
Asmens duomenys renkami ir tvarkomi šiems tikslams:
- Apdoroti Jūsų užklausas;
- Tiesioginės rinkodaros tikslais – tik suteikus galimybę atsisakyti ir atskirai sutikus;
- Esant slapukams jie naudojami: tik analizuoti lankytojų statistiką. Naudojami “Google analytics” slapukai, renkama IP adresas
Asmens teisės
Jūs, leidęs tvarkyti savo Asmens duomenis, turite teisę:
- Reikalauti ištaisyti, sunaikinti arba sustabdyti Jūsų Asmens duomenų tvarkymo veiksmus, kai duomenys tvarkomi nesilaikant aukščiau paminėto Europos reglamento ir kitų įstatymų nuostatų;
- Nesutikti, kad būtų tvarkomi Jūsų Asmens duomenys;
- UAB “ANEXO”, gavusi Jūsų prašymą dėl Asmens duomenų tvarkymo, ne vėliau kaip per 30 kalendorinių dienų nuo Jūsų kreipimosi dienos, pateiks Jums atsakymą. Nagrinėjami tik tie prašymai dėl Asmens duomenų tvarkymo, kurie pateikiami el. paštu;
- UAB “ANEXO” Nariai/Klientai turi teisę kreiptis dėl informacijos, susijusios su jų mokėjimų istorija ir pačių pateiktos informacijos, perkėlimo arba panaikinimo. Tokie prašymai įvykdomi per 30 d. Nuo laiško gavimo el. paštu
Baigiamosios nuostatos
Esminiai šios Privatumo ir slapukų naudojimo politikos pakeitimai nariams siunčiami elektroniniu paštu. UAB “ANEXO” gali pakeisti šią Privatumo ir slapukų naudojimo politiką be išankstinio perspėjimo. Jei turite klausimų dėl Privatumo ir slapukų naudojimo politikos, bet kada galite kreiptis el. paštu
Šio dokumento paskutinio atnaujinimo data yra 2019-05-14.
By using this web site, you give your consent to the company UAB “ANEXO”, 302497493 to collect and use your personal data as defined by this Privacy and cookie Policy. UAB “ANEXO” uses the information you provide by sending us requests, including: Name, contact person. No., e-mail, Other Contact Details (all together – Personal Data) to properly manage your orders / queries.
General provisions
UAB “ANEXO” by no means sells or transmits your Personal Data to any third party without your express permission. No third party can offer you goods or services via UAB “ANEXO” electronic systems. UAB “ANEXO” Will not use your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes. If UAB “ANEXO” would use your personal data for direct marketing purposes, you should always agree with it and have an option to cancel it.
UAB “ANEXO” follows these basic principles of personal data processing:
- Personal data is collected for specified and legitimate purposes;
- Personal data shall be processed accurately and fairly;
- Personal data is processed lawfully;
- All information about processed personal data is confidential;
Managing and protecting your personal data UAB “ANEXO” implements organizational and technical measures that ensure the protection of personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, alteration, disclosure, as well as any other unlawful handling. Personal data are processed in accordance with the 2016 April 27 Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
Personal data is collected and processed for the following purposes:
- Process your queries;
- For direct marketing purposes – by getting agreement only by giving the opportunity to refuse and cancel.
- Cookies are used for this purpuse (if used): only to analize statistics. There are used “Google analytics” cookies, collecting IP address
Personal rights
By allowing to manage your personal data, you are entitled to:
- Require correction, destruction or suspension of the processing of your personal data when data is processed without complying with this and other laws;
- Disagree with the processing of his personal data;
- UAB “ANEXO”, upon receipt of your application for the processing of personal data, will provide you with a response within 30 calendar days of your request. Only requests for the processing of your personal data submitted by e-mail are considered. Mailed to;
- UAB “ANEXO” Members / Clients have the right to request the transfer or cancellation of information related to their payment history and the information they provide. Such requests will be processed within 30 days. From e-mail receipt mail by
Final Provisions
Substantial changes to this Privacy and cookie Policy are sent to members by email. UAB “ANEXO” may change this Privacy and cookie Policy without prior notice. If you have questions about our Privacy and cookie Policy, you can contact us at any time by e-mail:
The date of the last update of this document is 2019-05-14.